Friday, April 20, 2012

Noche Buena:
Today’s brew is available to us by eluding tricky Perry’s border web cams and the piranha in the Rio Grande. Noche Buena is a Mexican seasonal beer from Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma and has been absent here in the States for the past few years before finally getting past ICE. The beer is your traditional Mexican lager with a kick of hops and the traditional seasonal flavors of roasted nuts and malts as well as hints of brown sugar. Some reviewers were complaining about a metallic aftertaste to the beer that was not experienced on my end, but everyone is a critic and you can’t please‘em all. Not a bad beer, if given the choice between it and a Dos Equis this time of year, I’d probably lean towards Noche for the sake of variety. Found this beer in Houston this year so hopefully it will migrate further north in the coming months and be in North Texas this coming Christmas.

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