Monday, April 23, 2012

Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat:
Greetings my fellow beeriphiles. Today brings us a second step into the seven step Sam Adams program and with it we welcome the Cherry Wheat into the tasting family. As with most Sam Adams brews, this one uses at least one ingredient from within our fair shores and, in this case, is the Michigan Cherries used to give this wheat beer it’s edge in a crowded wheat beer field. Pouring nicely like all other Sams seem to do, this beer has nice fragrance of cherries right off the bat though I was a little disappointed to see that there wasn’t even a hint of red in this beer, just straight slightly hazy gold. As mentioned, the beer’s nose is a strong cherry with under tones of grass and the head is thin and watery that, while unimpressive to look at, does leave a nice lace all the way through the consumption. Taste is heavy on the cherries with the initial sip but the wheat beer taste takes over in the after and while it lingers, it isn’t too offensive but does cause one to crave a glass of water. A good beer, I enjoy this a lot more this time than my first dance with it a few years ago. A good summer or early fall beer, especially for those who are on the fence about the whole “beer tastes nasty/gross/vile/evil/wicked, etc.” crowd that still is willing to try one (probably a small group, but they do exist).

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