Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shiner Bohemian Black Lager:
Evening friends, for a week of spring break, this weather sucks so lets try to make the most of a bad situation and drink a good beer. Shiner week continues with one of their newer beers, the Bohemian Black Lager. This lager is a nice addition to the Shiner family with a black color (duh), noses of wood, coffee and caramel and tastes of a clean light coffee flavored stout without the heaviness. I really enjoyed this beer, a good crisp black lager is difficult to find with most black beers being very heavy and almost a meal unto themselves. The light flavor of this stout is a good way to bring a skeptical beer drinker into the realm of stouts (much like the Wild Hare with Pale Ales). Wish this was around when I was first discovering Shiner in college, I believe this stout would have probably wormed it’s way into my regular beer rotation (at the time it was Shiner, Shiner, Shiner). Pairs well with meats and chocolate dishes.

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