Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HG Hurricane High Gravity:
Hello all, while I’m thrilled as always to see you lets get down to the brass tacks on this challenge. First off, this ain’t fun. Nope nada nein! Now most of these concoctions aren’t terrible, they aren’t great either, but I’m afraid I’ve found the exception to that observation. HIGH GRAVITY LAGER. OH…MY…GOD…these things give bad beers a good name. Wow, so today’s venture in taste masochism is Hurricane High Gravity a woeful lager that’s brewed by those fine folks in St. Louis and Anheuser-Busch. The lager pours well with a nice head that dissipates at a good pace though the carbonation isn’t lasting. The flavor is terrible, making the first h.g. lager from earlier this month seem downright good. A nasty ethanol flavor punches through a sour malt flavor that greats the middle of your tongue way to early in the drinking process. Do I really need to go on further? Well if you want me to go on, too bad, the buck stops here. So, a new rule is being added as forth: No High Gravity lager will be drunk unless no other options are available. That might help me get through this month a little better. Yeah, I’m officially slumming it…

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