Friday, April 20, 2012

Guinness Black Lager:
Guinness is one of those beers that wars are probably fought over. For decades, Ireland and England have been warring over which is better, Guinness or New Castle ( I’m both Irish and English so on this issue I like them both though not equally). Guinness was my first exotic beer outside those made inside our borders and I have a major soft spot in my heart for this beer.  The Guinness brand is intimidating to some; it has a dark color with a thick foamy head and all those bubbles streaming up the interior of the tulip glass…...oops. Hi! Got distracted there for a moment. Well the good country men over at the St. James Gate in Dublin have given those light heartened souls a second shot to redeem themselves in the eyes of the rest of us. The Guinness black lager might seem like blasphemy to most fans of the black brew but surprisingly, it isn’t too much of an a front on the original. Like most lagers, this brew sports a light texture and smooth and airy taste. The color remains with the original Guinness but this brew doesn’t carry over any of the other characteristics, instead it is more aligned with a dark domestic than that of a stout. Best enjoyed stand alone, though a nice steak would be a good accompaniment.

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